5 Things You Should Know About Breaking

5 Things You Should Know About Breaking

During the Fall Semester of 2024/2025, AOTA partnered with Professor Cristian Labaren Sanchez and his RCAH Community Engagement Course at MSU.

Part of that partnership included a team of Social Media Interns. One of their projects was to create blog posts centered around topics that many ask questions about when they hear about our work.

Please enjoy the following topic written by Angelina Franzese, RCAH Social Media Intern

Pictured Left: Glyde from Dynamic Rockers one of the original breaking crews started in the ‘70s | NYC
Pictured Middle: Bbirl Konatsu of Supernaturalz Crew | Canada
Pictured Right: Bboy Peanut of SelfX and Squadron Crew | California

1. The Beginning of Breaking

The beginning of breaking’ is traced back to New York in the late 1970s. Breaking was primarily seen in marginalized neighborhoods amongst African-American and Latino youth. The style was a product of the hip hop culture movement, the idea that hip hop was more than a music genre, but a community built on empowerment, advocacy, and social justice.

Breaking came about due to a lack of access to the arts, specifically, the minimal dance programs offered to youths. Younger generations found a way to express themselves in different ways, and one of them was dancing. Thus dancing was primarily done at dance parties located in recreation centers and parks. The expression found in breaking is considered acrobatic, aggressive, and musically athletic. However, the most important element of breaking is creativity.

As breaking began to be popularized, breakers, b-boys, and b-girls formed their own moves and shaped the standards of the dance. As breakers continued to hone their dance skills, the competitive element of breaking emerged.

If you’d like to know more about the history of Breaking, watch this film, BREAKING ON THE ONE, scored by our ED Ozay Moore and producer, Tall Black Guy.

2. The Hip Hop Community

As breaking’s history is rich, so is it’s culture. Hip hop culture was the product of African American, Afro-Caribbean, and Latino communities from the 60s and 70s. The elements of hip hop gave younger generations a sense of identity and belonging and provided them with a sense of unity.

Young artists are able to use music, poetry, and dance to express their experiences and emotions. Throughout the hip hop community, workshops, community events, and mentorship programs are placed in hopes of bringing artists together and creating hope for a better future.

Hip Hop has created new forms of expression. The genre has moved past simply entertainment and has fostered an environment where under-recognized voices can be heard and celebrated. The community has created and pushes a movement for social change and empowerment.

An image from AOTA Cap City Jam 2023. Photo by Kendall Lartigue

3. Community Jams

Community Jams are a very important part of the world of breaking and were included in breaking history before the introduction of competitions. Similar to a musician’s jam session, community jams are when dancers come together to share, exchange, and enjoy dancing with one another. This is sometimes done with a DJ. Breakers will get together and attempt new moves together. Typically, jams will bring breakers together in a circle and have them enter the middle one at a time, sharing their skills.

Community jams usually are done at a set time and location. The location could be anywhere from a train station to a professional dance studio, the location does not matter. All you need is music, a time, and a place.

Jamming is a perfect example of the social setting needed for breaking (and other street dance styles). With breaking people are able to communicate with each other without a language barrier simply through the connection they have when dancing.

4. Worldwide Impact

The worldwide impact of breaking skyrocketed due to the media representations in the 1980s. People began to record breakers and they were released to the public in movies such as Wild Style (1982) and Beat Street (1984). Breakdancing was also found in commercials. Crews like the Rock Steady Crew were projected on national and global television,

The rise of social media continued to push breaking to the world. International events became recognized worldwide. This created international breaking discourse. Youtube is one of the most revolutionary additions to a global breaking community. Breakers began watching recording of one another from across the globe. The new videos educated people on the experiences of breakers in different locations and fostered the culture of the breaking community. 

Pictured above: DJ Fleg DJing at our Cap City Breaking Jam 2024. DJ Fleg was te official DJ for the Olympics 2024.

5. The Olympics

As many of us know, breaking made it’s long awaited debut as an olympic sport this past summer in Paris. However, breaking has a deeper history with the Olympics than what meets the eye.

In 1984, breaking was performed on the Olympic stage during the Los Angeles Games. Lionel Richie included hundreds of breakers during his performance of “All Night Long” at the closing ceremony. All of these breakers represented different crews of Los Angeles.

This was groundbreaking considering the time. Breaking was considered extreme. The street dance style was thought to be far too radical. Oftentimes the cops were called on breakers and spectators by business owners for loitering. Despite fights from these business owners, breaking was broadcasted for billions to see back at home.

Five Effects of Hip Hop Education on Early Childhood Development

5 Effects of Hip Hop Education on Early Childhood Development

During the Fall Semester of 2024/2025, AOTA partnered with Professor Cristian Labaren Sanchez and his RCAH Community Engagement Course at MSU.

Part of that partnership included a team of Social Media Interns. One of their projects was to create blog posts centered around topics that many ask questions about when they hear about our work.

Please enjoy the following topic written by, Lucy Moline, RCAH Social Media Intern (Residential College of Arts and Humanities | MSU)

Creative Learning has been embraced by society, particularly in recent years, but Hip Hop Education is a subject that has yet to become mainstream. Through this post, we will highlight five positive impacts of utilizing hip hop in early childhood development. 

1.Relevance Amongst Youth

Despite hip hop’s widespread impact, schools generally don’t view it as a necessary pillar of education. Jill Anderson, reporter for Harvard Graduate School of Education, dives into this concept in her piece, Humanizing Education Through Hip-Hop

“Whether you believe it or not, hip-hop has reached most of our lives in some way, and most students’ lives, but it still seems to operate on the periphery of education in most schools,” Anderson writes. 

Implementing hip hop in school curricula may encourage students to participate, especially considering its popularity amongst youth, it may pique their interest more than other subjects. 

Music Therapy Specialist Alexander Crooke and Texas State University Associate Professor of Social Work Raphael Travis Jr. bring up another good point in their article The Healing Power of Hip-Hop: the familiarity of hip hop allows students to be more comfortable, thereby encouraging them to share their thoughts more freely. 

“The repetitive, predictable nature of hip-hop beats is also said to provide a sense of safety, particularly during songwriting, and lyrical and musical improvisation,” Crooke and Travis write. 

2. Processing Emotion

As mentioned previously, through music, students are able to be more vulnerable and discuss topics that they might not normally get to share. Hip hop music and production instructor Anthony Pineda uses this to his advantage when teaching his students. 

“Hip-hop brings us the most personal feelings and thoughts of a person directly to you. It gives youth a space to speak, vent, process and grow,” Pineda writes. 

Given his experience in Music Therapy, Alexander Crooke has extensive knowledge regarding the benefits of hip hop within child development; he points out that the lyrical element of hip hop is another tool that can be used to inspire young minds. 

“This accessibility and inclusivity makes hip-hop such an effective therapeutic tool for working with young people,” Crooke and Travis write. “The lyrical content is a vehicle for building self-reflection, learning, and growth.”

3. Reducing Stigma

Hip hop not only acts as a vessel for processing emotion, but it also helps to tackle important issues that aren’t otherwise addressed in society. Mental health is largely stigmatized, so discussions within hip hop allow individuals to be more transparent about their struggles. 

“In many communities, receiving mental health services is met with stigma and judgment—a repercussion that does not extend to writing and enjoying music,” Pineda writes. 

Pineda also observes the bonding between students when hip hop is used as a tool for education, helping to foster community and promote inclusion in the classroom. 

[Hip hop] generates a whole new level of empathy, and establishes connection to each youth by validating their current emotional state,” Pineda writes. 

4. Encouraging Creativity

Similar to other forms of music education, hip hop makes space for students to be creative and implement their own ideas. 

Harvard University HipHopEx Director Aysha Upchurch has witnessed this creative process firsthand, as well as the benefits it can have for students. 

“Hip-hop is all about take what you got, flip it, reverse it, make it something new,” Upchurch said for interview with Jill Anderson. 

Having this creative outlet can have all kinds of benefits, teaching students lessons through experiential learning. Maryville University acknowledges these benefits in their article Creativity for Kids

“[Creativity] supports mental growth through challenges involving elements like equality, balance, spatial relationships, and problem-solving,” Maryville University writes. 

Recognizing Marginalized Groups

Since its origins in the Bronx in the 70’s, hip hop has been a space for marginalized groups to have their voices heard. This attitude is still apparent in music today, allowing upcoming artists to speak their minds. 

“Marginalized communities the world over resonate with the ethos of resisting exclusion or discrimination and fighting for equity and justice,” Crooke and Travis write. 

Counseling and Human Development Specialist for Louisville University, Ahmad Rashad Washington, knows very well the impact that hip hop therapy can have, particularly on black men. 

“Hip-Hop culture and rap music resonate with many Black males because they encapsulate the aspirations and frustrations of Black males who have had to confront sociopolitical disadvantage and marginalization,” Washington writes. 

Hip hop can create a space for marginalized groups to be seen, heard, and understood, which is not common in the field of education. Implementing this more within early childhood education ultimately helps all students feel equally represented. 

Each of these five benefits can be seen within students of All Of The Above Hip Hop Academy. The resources provided here are unlike anything within the public school system, allowing students to expand their knowledge and become a part of a new community. 

AOTA is a space for everyone; youth from all walks of life can come together to enjoy the healing power of hip hop. Hip hop is more than just rap, DJing, beatmaking, graffiti and knowledge, it’s a culture, a community, an inclusive space for everyone.

It truly is all of the above. 


  • Anderson, J. A. (2022, November 29). Humanizing Education Through Hip-Hop. Harvard Graduate School of Education. Retrieved November 22, 2024, from https://www.gse.harvard.edu/ideas/edcast/22/11/humanizing-education-through-hip-hop

  • Creativity for Kids: Benefits & Tips for Nurturing an Innovative Mind | Maryville Online. (2023, October 17). Maryville University Online. https://online.maryville.edu/online-bachelors-degrees/psychology/resources/creativity-for-kids-benefits-tips-for-nurturing-an-innovative-mind/

  • Crooke, A., & Travis, R., Jr. (n.d.). The healing power of hip hop. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/the-healing-power-of-hip-hop-81556

  • Pineda, A. (2019, April 16). Hip-Hop gave me purpose — now it helps my students find their voice. EdSurge. https://www.edsurge.com/news/2019-04-16-hip-hop-gave-me-purpose-now-it-helps-my-students-find-their-voice

  • Washington, A. R. (2018). Integrating Hip‐Hop culture and rap music into social justice counseling with Black males. Journal of Counseling & Development, 96(1), 97–105. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcad.12181

FEB 2024: Swirled Bristles with a Bass Drum in Your Chest

All of the Above
Hip Hop Academy

Monthly Newsletter: February 2024

Black History is HERE & NOW...

Black History is past, present, and future emerging from the here and now.

It's in swirled bristles dipped in red, gliding across a canvas...

Attend the opening reception for Perspectives in Black: Emerging Visions on Feb 2. 5 - 7 pm. Hosted by OurSpace and AOTA DJ Yz Council will be in spinning.

It's a bass drum mixed so well you can feel it in your chest as rapped lyrics prompt your mind to wonder, hope, and ponder...

Hear AOTA Lead Teaching Artist, James Gardin, at The Robin Theatre, on Feb. 1st.

It's that feeling of forgetting where you are as you stand facing a gallery of creativity...

See Mila Lynn's 24-piece art installation on display during MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine's William G. Anderson Lecture Series. Her art will be displayed at each of the five events. Some of our team will be at the MC Lyte lecture. Maybe we will see you there!

It's in the awe you feel when you see someone defy gravity, over and over and over again...

Mark your calendars for Cap City Jam plus cheer on the USA Olympic Breaking Team in August 2024!

It's in the joy and ear-to-ear smiles that rise when you hear the DJ blend two tracks as you prep to belt out the next song...

Don't miss A Night at the Soul Lounge on Feb. 3rd & 17th. AOTA Teaching Artist DJ Kaely Kellz is an Ourspace resident DJ!

Here are a few more resources and ways to participate:

As we engage in this year's Black History Month and theme, African Americans and the Arts, we can't help but indicate that our primary source of engagement is Hip Hop, which celebrates and honors Black History beyond the 28 days of February. 

Thank you for rocking with us in the beyond, the 365 days, and for your continued support in the making of our community's beautiful history, together.

Programs & Updates

Intention Met with Action

In the last newsletter issue, we highlighted "intention" as our theme for the year. In January, we saw it in action. 

Youth B.A.R.S students are working on getting on the mic. They reflected together with a range of emotions from excitement to being shocked that they could conquer nerves and fears. They continue to craft their unique styles, sounds, and cadences.

Breaking 102 students are honing in and learning more power moves as they ready themselves for future battles. Morale is high, friendships are deepening, and students are welcoming the challenge.

In DJ Yz Council's words, "Adding a second Intro to DJing class has been amazing" and opened up a whole new world for our pilot class of younger students. The older students have a few upcoming event opportunities with their instructors. 

Watch the reels above to get a window into the first half of the winter season. 

Grants & Collaborations

Underground of Good and The Community Foundation

AOTA was one of four chosen to receive a grant from Underground of Good, through The Community Foundation

The Underground of Good is a collective of charitable professionals who join forces to do good for their community. We are honored and grateful they chose AOTA as one to give their recognition and support.

We often refer to these types of partnerships as the band and the sound team. There is no amplification without both parties involved.

Community partner collaboration is a beautiful dance of forward movement. Thank you for dancing with us, Underground of Good and The Community Foundation. We are incredibly grateful!

Farewell SCC, Hello RCAH

Projects are underway, ideas are brewing, guest speakers are planned, and a goodbye party is in the works as we continue our collaboration with Profe. C (MSU Professor and Board Member / AYO Facilitator, Cristian Lambaren-Sanchez.)

This semester marks his last class in MSU's College of Social Sciences, (SSC,), and the beginning of a new chapter at MSU's Residential College in the Arts and Humanities (RCAH.)

Stay tuned for updates!


Supporter Highlight

Meijer Capital City Market

It's not a secret that Downtown Lansing was considered a food desert for decades...at least 30 or 40 years until Capitol City Market arrived. But they didn't stop there. Their dedication to uplifting our local and state-wide entrepreneurs has given many hope for a bright future in Lansing. 

"I'm excited to highlight Capital City Market's Instagram post on Alicia's because I know her family from growing up going to youth groups and camps together. When my brother and I used to work together, he would bring me breakfast burritos from her restaurant 2-3 times a week. (So delicious!) She's the real deal and her food is just one of many other local business products available! Meijer isn't just putting out a facade. Their localized efforts are impacting our community members in a real and tangible way." - Carla Brooks

Thank you, Meijer! You're a light in our community and we celebrate you this month! 


Thank you for continuing to #build517 together with three ways to give:

Volunteer: Fill out the volunteer form and get involved with events in the community.
Spread the Word: Hit forward on this email and send it to a friend who'd like to know about what we're doing.
Donate: Give a one-time gift or become a monthly donor. From $5 to $100, every monthly donor makes a great impact!

Old school appreciation, new school application.



Jan 2024: Do-Re-Mi," and a question for you...

All of the Above
Hip Hop Academy
Monthly Newsletter: January 2024

01 - Prima - The Beginning

To quote Fraulein Maria or Julie Andrews, "Let's go back to the very beginning, it's a very good place to start..." 

We don't mean the beginning as in the start of AOTA like this picture above, one of our first-ever Instagram posts from 2013. Camera phone quality sure has changed since then, am I right?!

No, we mean the beginning of this year. Whether you set a resolution or not, it's still the start of a new season for all. A "do re mi" of sorts...a place to start.

Individually, a few of our team members are on a 30-day yoga practice/journey, some went on a trip or vacation, a few more began the year with poetry and DJing gigs, and another with the declaration of finding joy moments within each day. (I think we could all take on that last one, for sure.)

Although all different in practicality, "intention" resonates for our team as we dive into these next 12 months both personally and for AOTA as a whole.

What does that look like for the organization, you may ask? 

Read on for three ways AOTA plans to intentionally roll into 2024:

  1. AYO

  2. Program Approach

  3. Safety

Program Updates

1. AYO: Multiplies by 3

As of January 5th, the new format of AYO (All of the Above Youth Organization) commenced:

I: Fellows
II: Craftsman
III: Griots

Watch these clips from the AYO Fellows first meeting plus, the special speeches from our AYO GRIOT graduates:

Watch Graduate, Derrick Jones' Speech

Watch graduate, Jaylon Ford's speech

The intentionality in this shift is three years of focus from high school sophomores through senior year.

Each year builds upon the previous one with a focus on artistic, personal, academic, and professional growth.

You can read more about each year of the program here.

2. New Year = New Approach for Youth Programs

Classes resumed this week for the Winter Season.

Youth B.A.R.S opens up with a whole new game plan as Lead Teacher, James Gardin has some incredible weeks planned out for his returning and new students including awards, and honing in on style, techniques, and culture.

Intro to DJing breaks up into two age brackets. 9-13 and 14-19. This new structure/idea was the brainchild of Yz Council. He hopes to keep the synergy of the older students yet allow younger students to learn in a format that serves their age group.

Breaking starts the year with a new lead teacher, Tabor Vits. A new teacher means a unique perspective and initiative. And if you don't know Tabor, one of the first things that comes to mind when describing him is "intentional." We're looking forward to what he has planned for 101 and 102.

The Cook Up will resume in March first at Eastern, then at Everett.

3. Safety / Trainings

2023 was a year of 20% student growth!

With growth comes the important need for revised structures and procedures. 
Our team started this year going over our safety protocols and epi-pen training. 

Making sure our students and families are cared for in this way is the primary intention desired by our entire team this year

We're all thrilled there will be more training opportunities as the year progresses.


Supporter Highlight

How are YOU rolling into 2024? Hit reply if you're interested in sharing, we'd love to hear from you!

We do know that we can answer that question in one way. Just by opening and reading this newsletter, you've started the year out with curiosity, wonder, and support.

Thank you, partners, family, and friends, for your continued generosity in support of AOTA! 

We could not do any of what we listed above and beyond, without you.

Staff Highlight

Ozay Moore // Executive Director

Ozay was highlighted in The People Issue 2024 of Lansing City Pulse! 

Read the full article online here.


Thank you for continuing to #build517 together with three ways to give:

Volunteer: Fill out the volunteer form and get involved with events in the community.
Spread the Word: Hit forward on this email and send it to a friend who'd like to know about what we're doing.
Donate: Give a one-time gift or become a monthly donor. From $5 to $100, every monthly donor makes a great impact!

Old school appreciation, new school application.



DEC 2023: 525,600 minutes, BIG NEWS, & Boys II Men...

All of the Above
Hip Hop Academy
Monthly Newsletter: December 2023

Measuring the Year in Soup

Through handwritten cards to teachers, hours of combing through data, first-time performances, SEL curriculum, parental feedback of gratitude, a happy cry, cheer, or smile of accomplishment, full weekly classes, a graduation ceremony, a breaking battle or first-ever gala...

...how can we ever fully measure a year?

We'll try with an analogy.

It's like a soup recipe passed down for generations and adapted to the current times - it's aromatic, warm, and delicious when all the ingredients are combined. Complex in flavor, yet uncomplicated in what it provides when it's dished out: belonging - sustenance -  community.

The answer is not linear, it is multi-faceted and we thank you for being a part of the recipe!

Whichever role you played this year in supporting AOTA, THANK YOU!
Each person was vital to make the AOTA soup of 2023 complete. 

Cheers to cooking up together again in 2024! 

News & Updates

Winter 2024 Pre-Registration

AOTA Youth Programs are off for December and will return in January. 

If you'd like to register your student for Winter 2024 classes or know someone who would, register here!

To learn more about our programs, click the button below:

BIG NEWS: But not yet...

2024 comes with many changes, updates, and announcements from AOTA!
But not yet...

How could we do this to you, right?! 

Just think of it like a holiday gift that you're waiting weeks to open up...it's worth the wait and some of the fun is in the expectation.

We're hype to update you soon!

Speaking of the Holidays

Our AYO Graduation is coming up along with our annual Holiday Party!

If your family has been with us for classes please come out! Hit reply and we'll get you all the details.

We're excited to celebrate you and your family again this year with desserts, awards, program showcases, and more! 

TEAM Update

Someone, please cue up “Boys II Men!” Breaking Educator, Young Woong Yi is moving, and "it’s SO hard to say goodbye!"

This week was his last class with us before he takes off to a new city but it’s not the last of our journey with Young! Ozay Moore reminded us that he will be forever with us, woven into the fabric of our breaking program as he and Tabor built and grew this beautiful vibe, culture, and community space that is AOTA BREAKING.

There aren’t enough words to tell you how grateful we are as a community for the care and love you’ve given to us all!

Grateful that hip hop forever unites us…We are honored to call you friend, mentor, and family!


Team Highlight

Jahshua Smith

Pivotal, monumental, vital, and foundational...these are all descriptors that come to mind when we think of Jahsh. He has been the All of the Above Youth Organization, aka AYO Coordinator since day one of the pilot. Now, it has grown to be a three-tiered powerhouse of a program! 

This year AYO expands from one cohort of students to three-year groups:

  • AYO Fellows

  • AYO Craftsman

  • AYO Griots

The Griots then graduate into our AOTA Creative Crew as teachers and practitioners of their crafts.

It does not go over our heads or escape us that this would not be possible without the insurmountable efforts, care, and expertise of Jahshua! When the whole world shut down during the pandemic, Jahsh said, I'll do this! I'm not sure any of us really knew the magnitude of what he and the students were creating but looking back, DJ 5am referred to it as "magic in a bottle." And yes we agree, but we also know a lot of that magic came from the hands, heart, and mind of Jahshua himself. 

This next season, Jashua will transition to a consultant for the onboarding educators in the additions to the AYO Program.

Thank you Jahsh, for all you've done and for staying connected as you pass along the baton while we continue to grow! 


Thank you so much to our supporters, sponsors, and community partners!

We will never stop saying THANK YOU for your support because our gratitude is ever-present!

Let's continue to #build517 together with three ways to give:

Volunteer: Fill out the volunteer form and get involved with events in the community.
Spread the Word: Hit forward on this email and send to a friend who'd like to know about what we're doing.
Donate: Give a one-time gift or become a monthly donor. From $5 to $100, every monthly donor makes a great impact!

Old school appreciation, new school application.



Sneaker GALA Update aka NOV 2023: "Woo-Hah, I got you all"...in a Ripple Effect...

All of the Above
Hip Hop Academy
Monthly Newsletter: November 2023

The Ripple Effect

Yes, yes, y’all…for years we hosted all-ages beat and breaking battles, DJ’d community events and painted the walls of our city during Below the Stacks. But before The Sneaker Gala, we never had all the hip-hop elements present in one AOTA event. It was a truly historical/memorable/exceptional night.

The AOTA Sneaker Gala was significant because of that, reflecting hip hop's fullness, which also included, welcomed, and celebrated you, our community.

Attendees came from Michigan zip codes in the north, south, east, and west. Plus, donations came in from the East and West coasts! The support was vast and we felt every bit of that encouragement in the room whether you were there in person or in spirit.

However, let's explore this moment a bit further, shall we?

Yes, what an amazing night we had together but we can't help but think beyond and toward the ripple effects that night created:


Picture the time, energy, vulnerability, and bravery in the creation of a song or dance routine. Picture the pen and paper, the movement to find what works and what doesn't. Then, recording it, practicing it, and on to performing in front of both people both known and unknown.

The Ripple Effect?
Consider the impact it may have on you; or the impact on the students, and the confidence booster that leads to being brave for their next big adventure or challenge. Then, how they will continue to impact others around them after such an accomplishment...


The mentorship of a father and son, or from one seasoned performer and writer to a young man just getting his feet wet during his first-ever public performance. (A Cover of Busta Rhymes - "Woo-haa.")

See this dad who toured the world through hip hop passing the baton on to his son and backing him up for the crowd.

The Ripple Effect?
Consider the impact of being a mentee and then one day being a mentor or learning from someone older than you and being able to lead yourself. It's almost immeasurable, huh? Then, for the youth to inspire the older in their next seasons and also help inform them on what the future holds for hip hop? Priceless!

It's circular in nature - the inspired becomes the inspirer...


There was so much diversity of representation in the room that night. It was reflected in elements where diversity truly makes a positive impact:
Cultural, Age, Ethnicity/Racial, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Religion, Economic, Neuro Diversity, and the list goes on...

The Ripple Effect?
Consider how our students saw themselves represented in all aspects of the sneaker gala from the board members to our staff, from the volunteers to the attendees and speakers. It was beautiful and likely a motivation we all take with us as fuel for forward movement. 


In the midst of all this goodness, because of the generous donations, art pieces by Mind of Mila and Spiz, and custom shoe auction by Tahmeed Khan, sponsors, seat holders, and supporters WE MET OUR SNEAKER GALA GOAL: $25,000!

Can you see the waves? The ripples of movement that we get to create together through the work of this AOTA Community?
You may be asking yourself, who or what is the AOTA community?

It's you! It's me! It's us! It's All of the Above.

We're honored and grateful to be on these waves with you. We go into this next season of AOTA Youth Programming with the wind in our sails and are grateful to #build517 together! 


Here's a visual of our our program flow:

If you have any questions about how this works, please hit reply we'd love to hear from you! Otherwise, hit the button below to learn more.


GRIOT Highlight


Sam aka DJ5am recently presented about Ernest Hemingway’s Iceberg Theory and how it applies to making meaningful business/personal relationships.

He facilitated an amazing night of dialogue and conversation over such a dynamic and vulnerable conversation/concept providing a space to share, ponder, and relate.

On top of his creative intellect, Sam is a joy to work with and a student teacher in our Intro to DJing class with educator, Yz Council. 

Thank you, Sam! We're excited about what this next season holds for you!

Contractor Highlight

Photography by Kendall Lartigue

Shout-out to Kendall for being the photographer for the Sneaker Gala and our Cap City Jam. We are so grateful for your energy, eye, and expertise in capturing these special moments.

Thank you, Kendall!


Thank you so much to our supporters, sponsors, and community partners!

We will never stop saying THANK YOU for your support because our gratitude is ever-present!

Let's continue to #build517 together with three ways to give:

Volunteer: Fill out the volunteer form and get involved with events in the community.
Spread the Word: Hit forward on this email and send to a friend who'd like to know about what we're doing.
Donate: Give a one-time gift or become a monthly donor. From $5 to $100, every monthly donor makes a great impact!

Old school appreciation, new school application.



OCT 2023: Abracadabra, who are Alexis & Kelz, and it's closed!

All of the Above
Hip Hop Academy
Monthly Newsletter: October 2023


Abracadabra, who are Alexis and Kelz, and it's closed:
The Magic of the Cook Up, new additions to our team, and SOLD OUT gala info.

Annnnddd we're off!

FULL classes kick off this week and run through December butting up to our AYO Graduation ceremony and Annual Holiday Party!

I know, I know, I can't believe we're talking about the holidays already, either...

Nestled in there is our first Gala, a couple of community Halloween events, an MYP (Middle Years Program) school assembly, and a presence at Eastern's Homecoming.

We've got a busy season ahead and we're ready to get into it, let's go!

Program Announcements

AYO (All of the Above Youth Organization)

AYO (All of the Above Youth Organization) has been going strong all year long!

As we move into this fall season, new AYO students join the AYO Fellows crew, along with the addition of Alexis Rosado in the educator's seat.

She and Jahshua Smith will collaborate and continue the growth of the AYO program now consisting of this progression: 

  • Fellows

  • Craftsman

  • Griots

  • AOTA Creative

A huge thank you to Jahshua Smith for his care, mindfulness, and support as the AYO Coordinator. He was critical in developing the blueprint of what AYO is becoming as we carved out the path of adding another instructor to the AYO team.

We're all looking forward to this Fall season of expansion and can't wait to see what the future holds for the AYO students.

The Cook Up

If only you could be a fly on the wall to get a view into this special "kitchen."

The magic that occurs at The Cook Up each week between Eastern students, GRIOT teachers, and our Program educators is inspiring, to say the least. 

Here are a few recaps:
First Day Introductions
The Writer's Bench 

They start this month off by DJing, running a booth, and displaying a Style Writing backdrop at the Eastern Homecoming event. PLUS, Eastern's marching band is recreating Breath of the City and will be performing it with the AOTA Griots aka Eastern Alums!

See what we mean? MAGIC!

Youth Programs

This season we are grateful to say that we've teamed back up with REACH Studio of Art to house our Youth BARS, Intro to DJing, and AYO programs. 

Their team has been extremely helpful and has provided a grounding space as we search for our new home over the course of the next few months. 

That's right, WE'RE MOVING!

Stay tuned for updates as we continue to look for our own AOTA home. 

Until then, you'll find us rockin' steady at Everett Dance Studio and REACH.

Community Engagement

Halloween Events

Meet us in the community this month:

  • October 27th: Trick or Treat on the Square on Washington in Downtown Lansing

  • October 28th: Souls to the Polls – Trunk or Treat - Lansing Clerk's Office

AOTA Sneaker Gala is SOLD OUT!

THANK YOU to our partners, sponsors, friends and families for supporting our inaugural Sneaker Gala!!

We are in awe to share that the AOTA Sneaker Gala is officially FULL and SOLD OUT! 

For those of you with tickets and tables, watch for an email next week with details, parking info, and a special note of our gratitude. 

If you missed a chance to get a ticket but would still like to support with a donation, follow the button below. Every penny counts toward keeping AOTA programs barrier-free!

Gala Donations


Team Highlight

DJ KaelyKellz // The Cook Up DJ Educator

DJ KaelyKellz is new to AOTA and adds incredible value to The Cook Up team! 

Students flock to her station. We think it is in huge part because they are drawn to her accepting and peaceful energy and immersive teaching style. She immediately lets them get their hands on the DJ equipment, telling them "Don't be afraid to start!" 

Multiple times over we've heard feedback from our instructors on how much she inspires them to find new ways of connecting with students by trying new practices of their own. 

Thank you Kelz, for being genuinely you and bringing your expertise to the AOTA team! We're lucky to call you a teammate and friend! 

Student Highlight

Youth BARS Gala Performers: Anthony, Zaire, and Ira

Three young leaders right here!
These are three of the 6 performers during the Youth BARS showcase portion of our Sneaker Gala Dinner Party. They have wowed us by stepping up to perform with bravery, confidence, and excitement! 

They have something special planned for you and we can't wait for you to see it! 

Great job, students! You amaze and inspire us! Not just because of your bravery to perform but also because of how encouraging and kind you are to each other in the process!


Thank you so much to our supporters, sponsors, and community partners!

We will never stop saying THANK YOU for your support because our gratitude is ever-present!

Let's continue to #build517 together with three ways to give:

Volunteer: Fill out the volunteer form and get involved with events in the community.
Spread the Word: Hit forward on this email and send to a friend who'd like to know about what we're doing.
Donate: Buy a ticket to the gala, give a one-time gift, or become a monthly donor.

Old school appreciation, new school application.



SEP 2023: Yale & SEL, The Cook Up, and thank YOU!

All of the Above
Hip Hop Academy
Monthly Newsletter: September 2023

Thank you, Lansing Community & Beyond!

Before we move on to fall happenings we need to take a moment and honor the Lansing community and beyond for showing up at this year's Cap City Jam!
Hundreds of people gathered to experience, cheer on, and engulf themselves in an unforgettable full day of hip-hop in Downtown Lansing. 

Relive the day with pictures, videos, and a live mix tape!

Program Announcements

Back-to-School Tour

10 events! 5 schools! 1 Team!

Our synergy is high after a "tour" of a few Lansing Back-to-School events and assemblies! 

The team recapped the week describing it as a great experience meeting new families, amplifying our signal, and connecting with school staff around Lansing. 

Huge shoutout to the exceptional staff at Post Oak Academy, Lansing Charter, Dwight Rich, Eastern High School, and Blue Owl on MSU Campus!

High School Program

In May of last school year, we started a pilot program called The Cook Up at Eastern High School. This afterschool club is in partnership with our instructors, the Lansing School District, and the AOTA Griots.

We're back again this year with students signed up and ready to begin some exciting fall semester projects: A collaboration with the Eastern marching band and a graffiti backdrop project for Homecoming.

Our goal is to eventually see this program implemented in all the Lansing School District High Schools. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to grow this important, unique, and exciting program collaboration!

Youth Programs

AOTA class registrations are open and will resume in October. If you or someone you know wants to sign up, click or share the link below!

Registration closes September 20, 2023.

Community Engagement

Thank you to our Sponsors

We are so grateful to our sponsors who helped make Cap City a success! 

By partnering to bring this event to Lansing we gathered with people from all over the country and even internationally!

We know that without you, this event would not have been the success that it was!

Shoutout and Thank you to:

Meijer and the team at Capital City MarketThe Community FoundationLansing Public Media Center, Craig Jones, Julie, and the whole team at the Lansing Shuffle, and Nick at Blue Owl

AOTA Sneaker Gala at Urban Beat

BREAKING NEWS: The Sneaker Gala location has changed!

New Location: Urban Beat in Old Town, Lansing.

Same Date: October 20th, 2023 from 6 pm to 8 pm.

With catering by Tantay, attendees rocking formal attire and their favorite sneakers, performances from our instructors and participants, live band and DJ, raffle and auction, videos...and the list goes on...it's going to be momentous!

You can get your ticket or sponsorship info here!


Staff Highlight

James Gardin // Youth B.A.R.S. Coordinator

We can hear his laugh now just thinking of what to say about the dynamic instructor and educator, James Gardin! 

His frequent phrase, "Listen to the whispers," gets lived out by James each session as he catches the undertone of what students are thinking on, murmuring about, and questioning. Whether about an artist they've heard, a question about the societal impact of music, or wanting to be brave but having a hard time doing that, he mindfully asks questions and starts conversations to create a safe and productively vulnerable space where kids can grow their confidence and voice.

What comes of this in the classroom? The bravery to get on the mic, create a beat, and show up for their classmates. What comes of this outside of class? SEL [ Yale article on social-emotional learning ] elements are sprinkled throughout every one of our classes and James stewards this so beautifully in the B.A.R.S. program.

James, thank you for caring about the students and facilitating a safe space for them to explore their creativity in music plus grow in confidence. We see you! And we cheer you on to another great season of Youth B.A.R.S.!

Student Highlight

This month we're highlighting the breaking students as a whole! Many of our Breaking 101 & 102 students came out to the Cap City Workshop to learn from Bgirl PepC and Bboy Morris. 

They took on new challenges, tried something new, and got to meet other breakers from around our region, plus meet the incredible workshop facilitators who are both going to be in the Olympics in 2024!

It's going to be so special when we all cheer them on during the Olympics after meeting them in person and learning directly from these champions! 

Thanks for showing up, students! You're amazing and we can't wait to see you all again in October for class!


Thank you so much to our supporters, sponsors, and community partners!

We will never stop saying THANK YOU for your support because our gratitude is ever-present!

Let's continue to #build517 together with three ways to give:

Volunteer: Fill out the volunteer form and get involved with events in the community.
Spread the Word: Hit forward on this email and send to a friend who'd like to know about what we're doing.
Donate: Buy a ticket to the gala, give a one-time gift, or become a monthly donor.

Old school appreciation, new school application.



Cap City Jam 2023: Relive the day with Images, Video, After Party Playlist

Cap City Jam: year two was seemingly unbeatable but we’re just getting started!

Hundreds of people gathered on August 5th, 2023 for the Cap City Jam, a breaking competition consisting of a workshop and two battles - Youth 1v1 and Adult 2v2 held at the Lansing Shuffle in Downtown Lansing, MI.

We were honored to have each of the three judges for both battles including two of the inaugural USA Olympic Breaking Team, Bgirl PepC, and Bboy Morris! Plus, we had Yaks here as our 2v2 DJ!

Winners won trophies crafted by Lansing’s own Andrew Sandstedt, $500, $1,500, and 1st place poster prizes. Guests enjoyed hip-hop in its element along with food, drinks, a good vibes.

Relive Cap City Jam with these Elements


Adult 2v2 - Congratulations Supernaturalz99 - Onton See and Konatsu of Canada! (Representing part of the Canadian Olympic Breaking Team!)

Youth 1v1 - Congratulations Lytning who took second place last year and came back to take the winning trophy in 2023!

Share the Cap City Pictures:

Cap City Jam 2023 pictures are in! Feel free to download and share!

We ask that if you use these images, please be sure to site/tag the photographer and us when posting!

Photos by: Kendall D. Lartigue
AOTA Instagram
Cap City Instagram

video Footage:

Thank you, Craig Jones and the Lansing Public Media Center, for capturing the magic again this year. Also to Jack Lienhart for editing, adding design pieces, and his artistic cuts of these videos.

Listen to the Live After Party Playlist:

By DiscDolo
Listen to the after-party mix from Cap City!

DiscDolo kept the good vibes flowing after the event and was so kind as to share the mix with us all! Thank you, DiscDolo!

Will there be a Cap City Jam 2024?!

We can confirm we’re already planning for 2024!
Mark your calendars for the second weekend in August 2024 and we’ll see you there!

New year, new names to be etched on the trophies!

Thanks again to Our Sponsors:

AUG 2023: In the nooks and crannies of hearts and minds...

All of the Above
Hip Hop Academy
Monthly Newsletter: August 2023

50 Years of Hip Hop

This month, Hip-Hop turns 50! 

The impact it had in the past directly influences the future. Hip-hop is deep with emotion and light with humor...strong with activism and fun with battles in all elements...full of Social Emotional Learning aspects and broad with intent and meaning.

Yes, its stage is epic like at the Grammys, but it also mindfully reaches into the nooks and crannies of cities, homes, and individual hearts and minds. 

It truly is all of the above...I don't say that as a funny pun, although if it makes you smile a little that's great too. If the past 50 years have taught us anything it's that the next 50 will be driven by the youth of our communities. We're so grateful to be a part of its impact here in Lansing, MI.

Even though the official birthday is August, 11th, this year, AOTA will be celebrating at the Cap City Breakin Jam on August 5th. 

Thank you for partnering in this by donating, volunteer support, and sharing AOTA with your friends!

~ Carla Brooks
 Marketing Coordinator // Events Committee

Program Announcements

Fall Classes

Image Credit: Amber Rose Photography LLC

We never like typing the words "summer is almost over" but fall classes always get us excited for the season change-up!

This session, we anticipate meeting new faces as we start this year out with several Back-to-School events and assemblies. 

Classes resume the first week of October and registration will open mid-August!

Community Engagement

Cap City Breaking Jam

See you this weekend!

Click here for the event schedule, to register, and more details about workshops and special guest judges and Dj's!

FREE to attend!

$10 to compete!

New merch will be available along with posters from the jam!

Special thanks to our venue partner, The Lansing Shuffle. Their food vendors and beverage bar have so many delicious options including some allergy-friendly and preference choices.

Ozay at Lansing Rotary

Ozay Moore was a guest speaker at The Lansing Rotary recently. Here's what he had to say:

"Had the privilege of sharing space with these three phenomenal women. Sen. Sarah Anthony, Barb Whitney, and Rebecca Bahar-Cook at the Lansing Rotary International luncheon this past Friday. These three powerhouses are diligently working to build and strengthen the city of Lansing through the support of the arts, resource development, and advocacy on behalf of the people who call the 517 home. Thank you! I spoke on the service nature of Hip Hop Culture and the work we do at ALL OF THE ABOVE HIP HOP ACADEMY. Shout outs to my esteemed guest and AOTA comrades Tony Willis, Cristian Sanchez-Lambaren, Sam Herig, and Anthony Jones."
- Ozay Moore


We want to thank the Capital Region Community Foundation for supporting this year’s Cap City Breaking Jam. They have awarded us $4,000 to activate the Downtown Lansing Riverfront with a vibrant and culturally rich experience for the whole community. 

Cap City Breaking Jam draws dancers from all over the country and showcases the talent of all ages. We are so grateful for the continued support to collaborate with them in creating a positive impact in our region and beyond! 

AOTA Sneaker Gala

You're invited to All of the Above's inaugural Sneaker Gala
October 20th, 2023 from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Cadillac Room.

We've worked out a few glitches and it's ready for you now. So sorry for any inconvenience an error issue may have caused you. Find sponsorship options and purchase tickets here.

Here's what you can expect at the Sneaker Gala Event:

Attendees will rock formal attire complete with their favorite pair of sneakers. The meal will be provided by Tantay with GF and vegetarian options. 

There will be performances from our instructors and participants, fresh decor, a custom AOTA Sneaker raffle/auction, a live Dj, stories, videos, some vision casting, and The Trilogy as our house band for the night!

It's going to be bananas!

We are blessed to have you as a part of the AOTA community and look forward to seeing you there.

TEAM Highlight

Young Yi

When we think of Young, we think of balance. He has an unbelievable way of bringing so much fun, light, and good energy to a classroom (or any room for that matter) but he also brings structure, practice, and focus. All of which can be quite difficult when it comes to working with youth, ages ranging between 5 - 17!

We pinch ourselves at the fact that Young has been the backbone of our Breaking program for close to 10 years and is still able to say he's ready for more! 

You make it look easy, Young, but we know it is absolutely not and that you've put many years of training into practice. Your intention is not lost on us.

We celebrate you, Young, and seemed fitting to say it publicly as we head into the Breaking Jam this weekend which you've helped plan as well! Thank you for all you do and the positive ways you impact the AOTA families and beyond!


Thank you so much to our supporters, sponsors, and community partners!

We will never stop saying THANK YOU for your support because our gratitude is ever-present!

Let's continue to #build517 together with three ways to give:

Volunteer: Fill out the volunteer form and get involved with events in the community.
Spread the Word: Hit forward on this email and send to a friend who'd like to know about what we're doing.
Donate: Buy a ticket to the gala, give a one-time gift, or become a monthly donor.

Old school appreciation, new school application.



JUL 2023: Suprise for Ozay + Favorite Sneakers = Excitement Overload!

All of the Above
Hip Hop Academy
Monthly Newsletter: July 2023

Hip Hop is a Verb

📣 Proclamation of Hip Hop Day In Lansing, MI!

Whoa! We were caught off guard as our Executive Director, Ozay Moore, had no idea he would be honored at this event! All of the Above Hip Hop Academy has been written into the Proclamation of Hip Hop Day in Lansing, MI! Honored to be in the room with such amazing forerunners: Khalilah Camacho-Ali, Professor Grif, DJ Kahlid el-Hakim, and MC Sha-Rock!

Thank you to the City of Lansing for recognizing All of the Above Hip Hop Academy and the work we do in the 517 community!

We are honored to carry the torch of those who came before us and light the way for those to come after us.

Take a look at the declaration below:

Program Announcements

Youth Assemblies

We're prepping for five back-to-school assemblies at several Lansing School District K-8 buildings! 

They will include demonstrations and hands-on learning opportunities for kids to try Beat-making, DJing, and Emceeing.

The goal is for kids to get a glimpse of what classes will be like and promote fall registrations. 

Want us to come to your school next? Hit reply to this email and let's plan!

Community Engagement

Juneteenth Highlights

Juneteenth was a vibe! Some said, like "a movie!" 

We're pretty sure that each person who was there could write their own personal caption as to how the event went, felt, and was enjoyed. So, instead of trying to put endless words on this update, here are a couple of recap videos.

If you were there, watch in reminiscence. If you weren't, these videos will make you want to be there next year: 

AOTA Recap Video

Ourspace Recap Video

Summer Camps

"We had a great time partnering with MI GEAR UP in June! This is our second year teaching breaking and beat-making workshops at their summer residency program on Michigan State University's campus.

In this program, middle and high school students experience the college lifestyle in a controlled environment with their peers, learning about everything from core subjects to fashion, robotics, and Hip Hop."

- Tabor Vits, Breaking Instructor

AOTA Sneaker Gala

You're invited to All of the Above's inaugural Sneaker Gala!

We are in no hurry to rush away the summer months. However, the anticipation is high about this opportunity to bring our community, supporters, participants, and their families together for a fancy AOTA-fashioned fundraiser! 

Mark your calendars for October 20th, 2023 from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Cadillac Room.

Attendees will rock formal attire complete with their favorite pair of sneakers. The meal will be provided by Tantay with GF and vegetarian options. 

Expect performances from our instructors and participants, fresh decor, a custom AOTA Sneaker raffle/auction, a live Dj, stories, videos, some vision casting, and a house band. It's going to be bananas!

Find sponsorship levels and ticket options here. Then, share and spread the word!

We are blessed to have you as a part of the AOTA community and look forward to seeing you there.
~ Ozay Moore, Executive Director

AOTA Summer Events

Capital City Cyphers

July 1st, 2023
Noon - 2 pm

We'll be at Rotary Park! Meet us there for good vibes, music, and an all-styles cypher.

Scrapfest in Old Town

See you on Friday, July 14th!

AOTA DJs will be in attendance. For more details, stay updated here.

Extra Inning at Capital City Market

Join us on July 23rd after the game!

Get your ticket and meet us across the street afterward.

Cap City Breaking Jam

Cap City Jam is back this August!

Event details are rolling in and we're ramping up our event page plus our Instagram to help keep you all informed. 

See you there!

Team Highlight

Young Heat

Heat is first a teacher through his youtube page, They Call Me Heat. We are honored he is an in-person instructor for AOTA Youth B.A.R.S, as well.

This month we highlight him for his innovation, determination, and ability to build with the students. He has a unique way of making them laugh, think, and feel brave to create in the AOTA space and beyond.

Thank you for your work both in the class and in your own studio, Heat! You're a monumental part of the culture while also paving the way for students to come.


Thank you so much to our supporters, sponsors, and community partners!

We will never stop saying THANK YOU for your support because our gratitude is ever-present!

Let's continue to #build517 together with three ways to give:

Volunteer: Fill out the volunteer form and get involved with events in the community.
Spread the Word: Hit forward on this email and send to a friend who'd like to know about what we're doing.
Donate: Buy a ticket to the gala, give a one-time gift, or become a monthly donor.

Old school appreciation, new school application.



JUN 2023: Let's take this outside...

All of the Above
Hip Hop Academy
Monthly Newsletter: June 2023

AOTA executive director, Ozay Moore, recently took a trip to Colorado to visit Eagle Rock School and came back inspired by the folks there who "imagine better" for their students. 

Before you get into the updates below, take a look at his recap video and read what he had to say about this experimental learning school.

Also, give us a follow on Instagram while you're there if you haven't already. Thanks, fam!

Now, "let's take this outside"...

As AOTA programs pause for the summer you'll find us in the community - outside the walls of instruction.

Read what we'll be up to plus, where you can find us at local events.

Community Engagement


We continue our partnership with Gear Up Camp at MSU.

AOTA instructors will facilitate some of the evening activities including beat-making and breaking workshops. It will be fantastic to see the now 10th graders who we worked with last year as entering high school 9th graders. 

We can't wait to update you on the reunion and progress!

ESL Summer Camp and AOTA

This June, AOTA partners with BEST (Bilingual Summer Tutoring) ESL Summer Camp for the Lansing School District!

Instructors, Young and Tabor, will spend the day holding breaking workshops for 200 newly arrived low-proficiency English learner students from all over the world.

We are so honored to be partnering with this program. We know these students will already have one of the biggest skills needed in breaking...bravery/courage. English as a second language embodies bravery and we can't wait to learn from each of them, as well.

AOTA Summer Event Collabs

Juneteenth Ice Cream Social

We're back for another year of music, dancing, and fun at the 517 Juneteenth Weekend Ice Cream Social

You can look forward to free ice cream, music, learning adventures, youth vendors, inflatables, games, and dancing!

Friday, June 16, 2023
4-6 pm
See you there!

Extra Inning at Capital City Market

⚾ Take me out to the market! 

Extra Inning at the Meijer Capital City Market in Downtown Lansing is back this summer and AOTA & AYO DJs will be there.

Join us on June 4th and July 23rd after the game! Click here to learn more and get your ticket and meet us across the street afterward.

Cap City Jam is Back this August!

We're thrilled to announce Cap City Jam is back this August!

Mark your calendars for the weekend of August 5th, 2023 in Downtown Lansing, MI.

We'll be hosting a workshop with Bgirl PepC, a 1v1 Youth Battle, and a 2v2 Adult Battle.
You can expect great music, food trucks, guest DJs, special guest hosts, and judges.

More details to come along with sponsorship opportunities, lodging, registrations, and more.

Hit reply if you have questions, we'd love to hear from you!

Scrapfest in Old Town

We’re excited for another great year of Scrapfest!

AOTA will be DJing on Friday, July 14th. We hope to see you there.

Stay updated here as more details become available about their summer 2023 festivities.

Capital City Cyphers

Join us at Capital City Cyphers at Rotary Park! Meet us in the park for good vibes, music, and an all-styles cypher.

July 1st, 2023
Noon - 2 pm

Team Highlight

Jacob Weston

Jacob is AOTA's go-to graphic designer and when he's not designing you can find him being an awesome dad and husband and making music with his bands.

Something you may not know about him is that he was highlighted in The City Pulse for his band t-shirt collection.

He got into design because his group needed cover art and the rest is history. 
We're happy he did because he's not only extremely talented, but he's also wonderful to work with and gets projects done fast and efficiently!

Reach out to him if you're looking for a designer, just don't steal him from us, ok? 😉


Thank you so much to our supporters, sponsors, and community partners!

It will never get old to say THANK YOU for your support as we continue to #build517 together!

Old school appreciation, new school application.



MAY 2023: Shabooya Roll Call! What rhymes with your name?

All of the Above
Hip Hop Academy
Monthly Newsletter: May 2023

Cyphers all around! 

Are you familiar with the cypher? This tradition and practice in hip hop can look different in each element but the goal is the same - circle up and share your voice.

Breaking does this after each class and this quarter Youth B.A.R.S joined the tradition. At the start of every class, students freestyle around the room starting with the phrase "shabooya roll-call" in a call-and-response fashion answering with who they are and an aspect about themselves all while being affirmed by the cypher/group. 

The kids are becoming more confident with their voices through this and it has been a beautiful blooming experience to see.


Before we go on to our latest news and updates, we prompt you...shabooya roll-call! Can you think of an aspect about yourself that rhymes with your name or goes along with a beat?

It's pretty inspiring to put ourselves in these kids' shoes for a moment and realize how brave they are for sharing about themselves in this cypher tradition.

Okay, now onward to the news...

Community Engagement

Stoop Fest & AYO Griots

Lansing anticipates Stoopfest for its diverse musical genre lineups and the symbol that spring is here and warmth is on its way.

We're still waiting on that warmth but the event lived up to the hype yet again!

AOTA was part of the 2023 Friday lineup as the AYO Griots performed early in the evening and AYO Instructor, Jahshua Smith, and BARS Coordinator, James Gardin took the stage with friends that night.

Watch a recap of the Griot's performance here!

Lansing School District + Lansing Promise + AOTA = The Cook Up

"...Intentional mentorship that comes from the community to see young people thrive -  from the Community to the classroom, from the stage and beyond - you're supporting our youth in all of the above!" - Ozay Moore

The NEA (National Endowment for the Arts) and MACC (Michigan Arts and Culture Council) has awarded AOTA a $14,000 community partners grant to support our work in The Lansing School District.

By expanding the scope of our B.A.R.S program (which traditionally focused on lyrical composition and music production) this after-school program, led by student leaders and AOTA instructors is designed to create a healthy space for students to explore various expressions in hip-hop culture including Breaking and DJing, as well.

The rebranded program will be known as a club called The Cook Up.

The Cook Up will be facilitated by youth mentors from our AYO program and supported by AOTA staff.

The Club's primary partnership is with The Lansing Promise but will also collaborate with other community partners such as Gear-Up, Michigan State University (MSU), Lansing School District (LSD), and Lansing Community College (LCC.) These collaborations will support awareness and access to career opportunities in the arts and beyond through vocational training, higher education, and other preparatory supports.

Ample thanks to the NEA and MACC for choosing us for this grant! We're excited to launch this pilot for the remainder of this school year and start the Fall of 2023 strong!

YAC (National Youth Advisory Council) Grant

Based on AOTA's alignment with the Teen Needs Assessment Survey, the youth at YAC (National Youth Advisory Council,) selected us for a grant through the Community Foundation for $5,000.

The focus area? Teen mental wellness (depression, anxiety, academic stress.)

Not surprisingly, hip-hop music and culture are embraced in mental health treatment for underrepresented youth across and beyond the United States. This plays out in building confidence, trying new things, and positive reinforcement while engaging in various art forms. 

This grant will serve not only to keep our programs barrier-free supporting high-quality art instruction, but it will also help us continue to provide a creative space through hip-hop culture to support young people socially and emotionally, reflecting and fostering a healthy community.

Thank you to the youth at YAC and the Community Foundation! We are so grateful to partner with you in a way that is fundamentally impactful.


James Madison College

"We’ve been in the community for over a decade...there is a multicultural connection in hip-hop history - local and regional historians...Communities developing a mechanism where people can engage in that way..."
- Ozay Moore

Executive Director, Ozay Moore, joined a panel moderated by JMC DEI specialist, and AYO Instructor, Jahshua Smith. In a conversation at James Madison College they highlighted 50 Years of HIP-HOP as a Musical genre, its Roots in social activism, links to public policy, and the history of AOTA. 

College of Social Science

We are happy to celebrate another semester of collaboration with the College of Social Science 399 Experiential Learning Class with Professor Cristian Lambaren Sanchez!

In one of his largest classes yet, these students learned about Hip Hop's impact on a local community. They collaborated together on projects based on the four elements of hip-hop: Emceeing, DJing, Breaking, Graffiti, and Knowledge. One group created a system for internships and another for grant proposals, among other projects. 

We've enjoyed getting to know each class through the past few semesters and aim to continue this partnership for years to come.

CIS (Communities in Schools) & AOTA

We are thrilled to announce our RAP Program will be again partnering with CIS at Lansing Charter School.

This will include a new group of B.A.R.S students and we can't wait to hear all of the stories that come from this continued collaboration. 

Volunteer Highlight

JD Diaz

JD has been instrumental in helping AOTA accomplish event layout plans! He has created multiple wood pieces including tables in our AOTA space. We've been so honored and grateful to build with him and his wife Angie over the years and look forward to future events.

If you know JD, you know his joy and love for community run deep and to call him a friend is a gift. 

Thank you for the hours you've put into volunteering with AOTA, JD. Your impact continues to be felt every class as students write, collaborate, and dream over the pieces you've created.


Three ways to support AOTA Hip Hop Academy:

1. Make a one-time donation
2. Volunteer
3. Join the Monthly Donor Club and receive small tokens of appreciation.

Thank you so much to our supporters, sponsors, and community partners!

It will never get old to say THANK YOU for your support as we continue to #build517 together!

Old school appreciation, new school application.



APR 2023: FREE Stickers, Breaking has Moved, Cap City Jam is Back, and More!

All of the Above
Hip Hop Academy
Monthly Newsletter: April 2023

Happy Spring, friends and supporters!

Do you want some AOTA stickers? 

We're giving away FREE stickers to the first 25 people who hit reply and send us your name and mailing address. 

Ready, set, reply...stickers are on their way to you soon!

Program Updates

Breaking Has Moved

Click to watch a video of our new Breaking Class location!

This week, we start THREE Breaking classes in a new location! Can you tell how hype we are in the video above?

You may be asking, why the move?

We enjoyed our time at Foster Community Center for the past year but because of how amazing they are at reaching the community, our student numbers grew beyond the space, with many on the waitlist. We aim to accommodate as many students as we can, so it became apparent we needed a larger location. 

Board Member, Clara Martinez, came in clutch, and with the approval from Everett High School Principal, Ms. Boyels, we are warmly welcomed to their beautiful new dance studio.

Wait...don't worry...we're not done at Foster! Our community collaborations haven't ended there. Stay tuned in the coming months for updates on how we will move forward with their kind staff and facility.

Winter 2023 Youth B.A.R.S Song

Click the image above for a snippet video of the song. Have you heard the Youth B.A.R.S Winter Cohort song, "ICON," yet? 

Huge thanks to the amazing students who share their projects with us each session. Plus, to their teachers for facilitating a creative, collaborative, and safe place for students to express themselves through music.

The circular impact here is beautiful!

Spring Classes Start this Week

BARS, Intro to DJing, Breaking, and AYO are in session!

Charrelle's song 'Saturday Love' keeps circling in my mind as we roll into spring with AOTA classes on "...Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday..." 🎼

Youth B.A.R.S will start on a new song collaboration.
Intro to DJing will make its way to helping DJ some of the Breaking Classes soon.
Breaking 101 now has a second time slot.
Breaking 102 will continue working on a routine together.
AYO students regularly meet throughout the year and are engaging the community with gigs and collaborations. Some are actively teaching at AOTA.

If you know someone interested in signing up for Spring, it's not too late! We have a few spots left. Pass along this button link below and we'll have registration open until 4/15/23:


Cap City Jam is Back in 2023!

It's official and planning is underway!  Save the Date for August 5th! Cap City Jam will be back in 2023!

Don't know what the Cap City Jam is?
Watch the Youth 1v1 ,  Adult 2v2 recaps, and check out our event page for pictures and to read our recap.

Stay tuned for details on student workshops, locations, judges, and event details soon! 

11th Annual Deucy Awards

11th Annual Deucy Awards Finalist

Last year, we contracted with Uno Duece to capture the magic of our Jump Off Beat Battle. The video made it as a finalist in the 11th Annual Deucy Awards under "Most Entertaining" category. 

You can vote for us here!

Student Highlight

Asa - Breaking 102

Asa has been dancing since he could walk. He was inspired by breakers at just three years old. He has continued to hone his craft through the years to now joining the breaking crew, 99 Styles (pictured above,) last summer during the Cap City Jam 2022.

He's an inspiration to the Breaking 101 & 102 youth and this season he begins a new journey as a student teaching volunteer with Young and Tabor.

Thank you, Asa! You're an amazing kid and we know you've got big things ahead of you!

Donate & Support

Did you know there are three ways to support All of the Above Hip Hop Academy?

1. Make a one-time donation
2. Volunteer
3. Join the Monthly Donor Club and receive small tokens of appreciation.


Thank you so much to our supporters, sponsors, and community partners!

It will never get old to say THANK YOU for your support as we continue to #build517 together!

Old school appreciation, new school application.



MAR 2023: "Fuel to prove them wrong..."


Click the above picture to see a recap of AOTA at Black Violin

Hello Friends and Family, today we write to you inspired and "fueled to prove them wrong."

Last night, 50 of our students, teachers, staff, family, and friends gathered to experience Black Violin!

Kev Marcus let everyone know the point of the night was not the fun, the entertainment, or the party...no, what he hoped we would take away was this:

He and fellow member Wil B were bullied in school for spending hours practicing the violin instead of the then-popular sports or activities. Black Violin, now two-time Grammy-nominated musicians, want people to be inspired to...

"Think outside of the box! Do what you love and use that to break stereotypes! Practice, practice, practice what you love and use it as fuel to prove them wrong."

After experiencing a night with Black Violin, I get even more so why GEARUP and the Lansing & Wavery School Districts asked our Griots to facilitate conversations around self-expression through music. We know this topic is important, but to also have seen it played out in this tangible way as an AOTA family was a moment none of us will soon forget.

On that note of thinking outside of the box...let's get into some updates on our Winter Programming and out-of-the-box collaborations with our amazing community partners!

Program Update

Student/Parent Interview

Meet Rahila. She's a student in Intro to DJing and a parent of one of the youths in our programming. 

As you watch, I'd like to note that she's not the only one impacted in this way. My son attends classes and other AOTA parents and I share Rahila's sentiments with stories of our own.

These aren't just words we email each month. They are stories of real lives being impacted and this wouldn't be possible without your support!

From Rahila, myself, and many other students and parents, THANK YOU for donating, volunteering, and sharing AOTA with your friends.

~ Carla Brooks, Marketing Coordinator

Community throughout the Winter

It's no secret that Michiganders love to hibernate throughout the winter months. However, we understand the importance of a year-round connection.

Above is a snapshot of how the Winter 2023 sessions went for our students, griots, staff, and instructors. Amid the proverbial hibernation, we ran weekly classes, danced, made music, and connected with the community.

One of the songs will be performed by the B.A.R.S. students on March 13th at the Youth Open Mic Night at Sweet Encounters Bakery in Downtown Lansing.

Click the below image to see a clip of the students writing and collaborating together on their new song:

Click this picture for the song recap

Community Collaborations

AOTA Griots and Black Violin

As mentioned above, through MI GEAR UP and the Wharton Center, AYO Griots Anthony and Josiah, facilitated conversations with 9th graders at Lansing and Waverly Highschools.

The feedback was great and the team was impressed by the preparedness of the guys.

They each facilitated 13 sessions apiece. The 50-minute sessions included topics surrounding self-expression through music, an introduction to Black Violin, and sharing their work as artists themselves. 

The guys reported that each visit was a success and their confidence grew after each session. They can't wait for their follow-up visits this month!

LSO (Lansing Symphony) and AOTA Griots

To say the AYO guys were excited to hear their music played by the Lansing Symphony Orchestra is an understatement.

Then, on top of that, get to perform with them...there just aren't enough words! The night was grand.

Here are some videos to get a feel for it yourself: 

Click the above image linked to the first time AYO Griots heard Breath of the City played by the Lansing Symphony Orchestra

Click the above image to see a recap of the Robin Theatre night with the Lansing Symphony Orchestra.

Student Highlight

Heiress, Youth B.A.R.S.

"In the Youth B.A..R.S. class we like to practice a form of Educational Transmission, where all parties transmit information to investigate and learn from. 

Heiress embodies this spirit whenever she's in our space. She is a generous listener and is always willing to contribute to the conversation and collaboration.

Heiress has shown leadership and bravery in the program by being willing to try new things even if it's her first time encountering them.

We are so excited and honored to be able to have Heiress in our Youth B.A.R.S class."

~ James Gardin, B.A.R.S. Coordinator

Staff Highlight

Rebekah Pumphrey

There's no doubt that when she sees this she will say "What!? There are so many other people to highlight!" And although we absolutely agree there are many to share about, we would be remiss not to shout her out with a megaphone and say,

"Thank you for keeping us organized and moving forward!"

Rebekah spends each week volunteering at our Breaking classes and for many, that may be all they know of her role at AOTA. Her main role though is the Administrative Coordinator and she functions as an organizational powerhouse as well as a foundational member of the events committee.

Her roles are vital and most of the time can go unnoticed by the public eye. So, this month we celebrate you and give you your flowers in written form, Rebekah!

Thanks for all you do! 

Join the Building Committee

If you haven’t already, please consider being a part of the  “Five Won Svn Building Committee” Monthly Donor Club.

Becoming a monthly donor in one of our 3 tiers comes with a few perks, tokens of our appreciation.

The value of your support is nearly impossible to articulate, but...we HAVE to do something seeing as you're so phenomenal!!!

See the tiers below:


It will never get old to say THANK YOU for your continued support as we #build517 together!

Old school appreciation, new school application.



FEB 2023: Black Violin, Lansing Symphony, & Hungry Hungry Hippo


"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members." – Coretta Scott King

Notice the Montana spray cans at the bottom of the frame? The above mural lives here in Lansing at The Village Lansing and was painted by our own AOTA Executive Director, Ozay Moore.

What better way to kick off Black History Month than highlighting these amazing movers and shakers who have called Lansing home?!

Throughout this month we will be highlighting:

  • Stevie Wonder

  • Olivia Letts

  • Dj Infamous 

  • Needlz 

  • Malcolm X

  • Magic Johnson

Follow along with us on Social Media this February as we share about their lives and work in #517.

Speaking of life and work in the city, this month's Newsletter is compiled of AOTA's community collaborations and a window into how our winter classes.

Community Collaborations

The Wharton Center, AOTA, and GEAR UP support Black Violin

This month, we're linking up with The Wharton Center and GEAR UP to support Black Violin.

AOTA Griots and Instructors will provide workshops for all the 9th-grade classes in The Lansing and Waverly School Districts.

These workshops will initiate conversations, give an intro to Black Violin, and are designed around music being a form of self-expression. 

Then, on Feb 28th, they will have the opportunity to see Black Violin at the Wharton Center.

Stay tuned for footage and updates on this exciting opportunity.

LSO (Lansing Symphony) and AOTA Griots

We're thrilled to announce that AOTA Griots will be performing with Patrick Harlin on Feb 16th for the Lansing Symphony event at The Robin Theatre.

This event is centered around "style-bending tendencies featuring music that blends classical chamber music with influences of pop, bluegrass, hip-hop, Yiddish music, and jazz..." and you guessed it - hip-hop performances, one including our Griots!

We can't wait to update you on how this goes.

Lansing Winterfest and AOTA DJ's

Come spend the day with us at Lansing Winterfest!

When: Saturday, Feb. 18th, 11 am - 4 pm
Where: Reutter Park
What: AOTA will be providing a different DJ each hour:

  • 5am

  • Ozay Moore

  • Juice

  • Yz Council

  • Disc Dolo

Click here to find more info on the day like the Hungry Hungry Hippo tournament and more.

We hope to see you there!

Program Update

Classes Running 5 Days a Week

Recap of AOTA's newest class addition: Intro to DJing.

AOTA officially has classes running every day of the week!

Tuesday's class is the newest addition to the roster, Intro to DJ'ing. Watch a recap above.

So far, this winter session has proven to be beneficial, productive, and enlightening for both the students and instructors.

One student told his mom, "I wish I could go to AOTA every day." 

We can't help but immediately think of our notable funders who make this meaningful programming available to the students.

We'd like to shout out a HUGE THANK YOU to our supporters for making this happen!

Griot/Student Highlight

Josiah Chavez aka Juice

osiah is an AYO Griot and is now involved in giving back to the Youth B.A.R.S. students!

He supports instructors, James and YoungHeat, in instruction as well as provides a unique opportunity for the kids to learn from and look up to a fellow AOTA student/graduate. 

Watch him in action here (scroll to second video.)

Thanks for all of your hard work and support, Juice!

Volunteer Highlight

Clara Martinez

Clara is highly connected to the Lansing community in many ways, a couple being that she is on The AOTA Board and is a dance educator at Everette High School.

Thankfully, she also volunteers every week at our Breaking classes!

Her calming demeanor is a bright light to each student and family that walks through the door. If you see her this week, tell her she's awesome, will you? It will be great for her to hear over and over especially when it's not something she seeks to hear. 

We appreciate you, Clara. Thanks for all you do!

Join the Building Committee

If you haven’t already, please consider being a part of the  “Five Won Svn Building Committee” Monthly Donor Club.

Becoming a monthly donor in one of our 3 tiers comes with a few perks, tokens of our appreciation.

The value of your support is nearly impossible to articulate, but...we HAVE to do something seeing as you're so phenomenal!!!

See the tiers below:


It will never get old to say THANK YOU for your continued support as we #build517 together!

Old school appreciation, new school application.



JAN 2023: Listen to Student Projects, Announcements, and Celebrations!

All of the Above
Hip Hop Academy

Monthly Newsletter: January 2023

2023 is upon us and the momentum from last year has positioned us for great expectations in the months ahead.
Let's get into what's ahead while also celebrating some wins from December. 
Thank you for following along with us each month, taking the time to read this newsletter, and sharing with others.

We're thankful to be on this journey with you! 

Program Updates

AYO (All of the Above Youth Organization)

2022 All of the Above Youth Organization (AYO) Graduation Recap

One of the biggest fueling moments of 2022 was our AYO Graduation. A statement made by Josiah Chavez, aka Juice, sets the tone for the new year:

"I know that the future is the next [generation/s of] kids and students that artistically express themselves. I identify with those kids and want to do for them what [AOTA] has done for me..."

- Juice

In support of Black Violin coming to Lansing this march, we’ve partnered with Gear-Up and the Wharton Center to facilitate workshops with ninth graders across the Lansing School District and Waverley HS.

Our own Ozay Moore and AYO Griots will be the Teaching artists carrying out the workshops. Congrats gentlemen!

BREAKING 101 & 102

Our annual holiday party was quite different this year but proved to be how we will continue every year from here on out!

This year we combined all of the classes and celebrated together making the group huge, and the feeling of excitement and thankfulness equally as large!

Watch a recap here.

Big shoutout to the winners of the annual holiday-breaking battle, Bboy Z-Man, and parent breaker, Monica!

What's up for Breaking in 2023?

During the entirety of 2022, Breaking classes had a waiting list. Our intention is to hold classes in a bigger room so that we don't have to cap registration. We're looking forward to reaching all Lansing kids interested in the Breaking classes.

Stay tuned for more details on this.

We also look forward to the second annual Cap City Jam held in August along with attending other breaking battles throughout the year.

B.A.R.S. (Teen & Youth)

The B.A.R.S Students shared their final projects at the AOTA holiday party and the whole room lit up! From the kid's faces getting to hear their songs played for all to hear, to the parents and kids listening for the first time, it was truly epic! 

Read on for an opportunity to hear the songs.

What's up for B.A.R.S. in 2023?

Youth B.A.R.S. will continue at the Lansing Public Media Center and will meet twice a week. Students have already started to register so if your child (ages 9-14) or someone you know is interested, be sure to register at the link below before the second week of January. 

As for kids ages 15 and up?

We're happy to announce we will soon be launching afterschool groups in partnership with the Lansing School District! We will be able to share more about this in the coming months.

Stay tuned!

Highlights & Collaborations

Listen to Student Projects

The B.A.R.S. and AYO students have worked so hard to create, collaborate, and record their final projects. We now have a place for you to listen and share them with others. 

We'd like to make sure and say "Thank you, students!" for sharing these projects. We're so proud of them for their vulnerability and creativity during this process. Plus, both teachers that helped make this possible.

P.S. We've also added links to the teacher's music now, too!


Shout out to the College of Social Sciences, SSC 399 Fall 2022 class, led by one of our board members, Cristian Lambaren Sanchez.

Last semester, they continued and added to Community Engagement Projects from previous students: Grant Writing and Spread Da Word.

These students visited youth programming classes, interviewed board and staff members, and attended the AYO Graduation and Holiday Party. We enjoyed working with them and are excited to continue this in 2023.

Student Highlight

We're starting something new - monthly student highlights! It has been very hard to choose as we could say something wonderful about each and every student. 

This month - Olivia from Breaking 102!

Olivia came to breaking having knowledge of Capoeira which made her introduction to Breaking smooth. But, there's no mistaking that each dance form has its own challenges and core accomplishments. Olivia took this on with stride and worked hard to battle during Cap City Jam. She continues to show up strong plus, takes time to teach and share with other students both young and old. 

Great job, Olivia! Keep shining!

Volunteer Highlight

Marques Davis
Marques takes photos and videos to help AOTA update, YOU! We're so grateful for the time and expertise he puts into every project.

From recap videos to class images, he precisely captures AOTA’s energy and memories. 

Thank You, Marques!

Join the Building Committee

If you haven’t already, please consider being a part of the  “Five Won Svn Building Committee” Monthly Donor Club.

Becoming a monthly donor in one of our 3 tiers comes with a few perks, small tokens of our appreciation.

The value of your support is nearly impossible to articulate, but...we HAVE to do something seeing as you're so phenomenal!!!

See the tiers below:


It will never get old to say THANK YOU for your continued support as we #build517 together!

Old school appreciation, new school application.

